Sunday, April 19, 2009


Easter is such a fun holiday, colored eggs, baskets, egg hunts and yummy candy! With only two teenage boys left...well, who wants to color eggs?? Let alone hunt for them....I did get some candy though and was just going to put it out on the table or something but....Kyle was kinda wanting a basket! We alway hid them for the kids to find...and wow he really wanted to find a basket! So I quickly fixed on up and had Bryce hide it as I knew he would make it challenging!

After much searching...he did find it! Getting it down was the hard part, but he figured it out...I put both of their candy in one basket and Bryce pulled out his bunny.....

His face is gone! Guess he was on the roof a little too long....poor bunny!


Alana Lange said...

LOL the bunny melted??

Alana Lange said...

OH wait, this is Stacy, but I guess I am signed in as Alana...