Monday, May 11, 2009


Every Saturday like clockwork...Bryce loads up his dirtbike and is off to the track! He is good to let me know when he is done riding and that he is safe and when I get a call from his cell phone at 11 can't be good, especially when I hear the words "Is this Bryce's mom?" "Bryce had an accident and the paramedics have just taken him to Riverside Regional Hospital". He was going over some "whoops" and his back wheel slid out and he went flying into a telephone pole. He was unconsious for 2 minutes! They said that we was awake and moving when they put him in the ambulance but was having bad back pain. So Gordon was not home, but I tracked him down and he came home right away and off we went with my mind racing to places that I didn't want it to go! The car just couldnt drive fast enough and everyone we got behind seemed to be going so slow! Finally my phone rang and it was Bryce! "When are you guys going to get here--I want to get out of here!" I felt much better after hearing his voice and he said everything was fine, his back was just banged up and sore but nothing broken. He got a pretty good bang on the head but I am just so grateful that he is ok. It could have turned out so much worse. Unfortunately they had to cut off all of the expensive gear that he was wearing but I guess its a small price to pay in the big picture. Luckily his buddies gathered up his things and his bike and rode his truck to town where we picked it up on Sunday. When he walked out of the hospital though he had nothing to wear! No one knew where his shoes or "cut off" gear even was! They gave him some paper scrubs and we left feeling very grateful. What a day.....

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Seriously the title of your post says it all! Man I am never buying dirt bikes!